Top 3 Best Private Universities in Afghanistan in the Year 2022
What is a Private University?
A private university is an institution of higher education that is established and operated by a group of individuals or organizations, often with the purpose of making a profit. Unlike public universities, which are state-funded, private universities usually rely on tuition and student fees to fund their operations.
In the year 2022, it is predicted that there will be over 5 million refugees from Afghanistan. This means that there will be a high demand for education, and private universities will be able to provide this.
Private universities are different from public universities because they are focused on profit rather than providing quality education. However, private universities have been shown to provide better results for students than public universities.
Why Should We Learn About Them in 2022?
In Afghanistan, we have many private universities. But there are still many people who don’t know what they are and what they mean to us. In fact, I have seen many people who do not know what private universities are and how they differ from public ones. Therefore, we should learn about them so that we can know more about them and use them in our lives as well.
In terms of quality, a study by [ Abdul Bari ] found that students at private universities scored higher on tests than their peers at public institutions. This study also found that the graduation rate was higher for those attending private schools, which means that there is more money being made by these companies as well.
1: – Kardan University
Kardan University is a private university located in Kabul, Afghanistan. It was founded in 2002 by Roeen Rahmani, who is currently serving as the university’s president. The university offers students a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, including computer science, business administration and accounting, economics, finance and banking, international relations and diplomacy, political science, and public administration.
The main campus of Kardan University is located in the old Taymani Square of Kabul city. It also has branches throughout Kabul Afghanistan—
The university provides high-quality education to its students through the use of world-class facilities and equipment which are available for use by both staff and students on all campuses throughout Afghanistan. It has been ranked among the top 10 universities in Afghanistan by the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MHESR).
Kardan University, along with five other universities, achieves National Accreditation Award from the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The accreditation is a testament to the excellence in quality of services offered by the university as envisioned by its Vision and Mission Statements.
Also, Kardan University celebrates the success of Mr. Qais Mohammadi, Academic Administrator for the Economics Department, as the recipient of the ACBSP 2019 Teaching Excellence Award for South Asia

2:- Dunya University
Dunya University is an international university in Afghanistan with a distinguished faculty of different nationalities, of which the majority are European or North American. DUA is known favorably for its contribution to the private and public sectors in Afghanistan.
Dunya University introduced the accreditation system in Afghanistan and is the first university member of four international accreditation institutions: AACSB, ACBSP, IACBE, and ASIC.
Dunya University is authorized and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and accredited by ACBSP, IACBE, and ASIC.
Dunya University is composed of four faculties spread on two campuses: Faculty of Management Science, Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Computer Science. It offers bachelor’s programs in all faculties and master’s programs in the Faculty of Management Science.

3: – Bakhtar university
Bakhtar University (BU) is one of Afghanistan’s oldest and most prestigious privately held universities. It was Established in 2005 from a small beginning at Kabul Polytechnic University; through its current location at Kart-e-Char. Bakhtar University is now recognized as an integral part of Afghanistan’s growing economic, political and social circumstances. As an independent Afghanistan institution of higher education, BU, as the first established privately held institution, has been recognized with excellent and high-quality programs comparable to its international affiliates such as Indira Gandhi National Open University, India, American International College USA, Georgetown University USA, Attaturk University, Turkey, University of Putra Malaysia (UPM).
BU has a commitment to the next generation of business, technology, political and cultural leaders in the modernization of Afghanistan. It is a pioneer in providing quality education in finance, accounting management, and introducing master’s degree programs (MBA & MCS) for the first time in Afghanistan and is a pioneer in providing a permanent mechanism for obtaining higher academic & professional qualifications in Afghanistan. During its short existence, the University has made a significant impact in higher education by reaching out to a large section of the population with a range of diverse and relevant programs that are of high quality and affordable. Since its inception, the University has attracted approximately 5000 students in various disciplines and enjoys a quality academic experience.